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Thursday, 23 May 2013

H7N9, New Bird Flu Virus in China

WHO says it now has not found evidence if the virus spreads between people per person. 
New bird flu virus threatens China, currently has nine people contracted the virus and four of them declared dead.
Two people are citizens of Shanghai.

The virus is endemic this time a new strain is H7N9, H5N1 is different from some time ago was shocking and claimed many victims from all over the world.
The H7N9 virus has not been known to cause disease in humans because it generally only threaten birds.

Recent study published by the Journal of Virology revealed that a family H7 strain of the flu virus that has caused more than 100 cases of human infections over the past decade.
In 2003, outbreaks of H7N7 had haunted the Netherlands and led to 89 people were infected and one person died.

The letter "H" and "N" are stamped on the name refers to the hemagglutinin danneuraminidase virus, a protein on the surface of the virus.
Furthermore, Richard Webby, a bird flu expert and infectious disease researcher at St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, explains, there are 16 types of hemagglutinin and nine neuraminidase type.

The symptoms are caused when a person infected with the H7 virus respiratory tract infection progressed to pneumonia.
In the past, H7 viruses can also cause conjunctivitis or eye infection, but is not contagious between people per person.

This is also corroborated by the statement of UN health agency (WHO) that there is no evidence if the H7N9 virus spreads between people.
Webby added, the experts will identify the source of the virus and examine more deeply about the bird flu cases.

Poland men's Got The Fastest Face Transplant After Accident

Unlike the usual organ donors, transplant face an incredibly complex procedure and requires months and years to prepare for the physical and mental condition of the recipient.
But a man from Poland immediately gets face transplant three weeks after the accident that happened.

According to his medical team, three weeks is the fastest period to perform the complicated procedure.
However, due to the condition of 33-year-old man was deteriorating so quickly, the doctors also see transplantation as the only way to save his life.

In a photo taken Tuesday (21/5) or six days post-surgery, patients are only identified by his first name, Grzegorz, it looks the thumbs-up while lying in the hospital.
Another photo from computer tomography showed extensive damage to the skull this man.

This man had an accident on April 23, 2013 in the place of work, a craft workshop of stone in southwestern Wroclaw, Poland when a machine is used to cut the stone actually tore most of his face, including jaw crushing it.

Lucky after intensive care at a hospital in Wroclaw, life and vision of this man was saved.
But his face was badly damaged already to leave some sort of brain cavity near the open and prone to infection.
The doctor said the man suffered facial damage is too severe if only closed for a while.

Then the patient is taken to the Cancer Center and Institute of Oncology in Gliwice, the only place in Poland that have permission to perform a face transplant procedure.
The clinic is also experienced in handling the facial reconstruction for patients who experience disability and cancer experts in clinic practice has long been the face transplant procedure with corpses.

The man was eventually underwent a face transplant procedure and bone on May 15, 2013 just a few days after the doctors managed to find a suitable donor.
Just info, this is the first face transplant carried out in Poland.

Operation which lasted for three hours that aims to reconstruct part in around the eyes, nose, jaw, and other facial parts on this guy.
Some photos were released showing the seam under the patient's right eye, left eye and under the Area face up to the neck.

The donor was a 34-year-old man who were selected from the many potential donors as age, sex, blood type and features tailored to the patient's body.

Head of the transplant team, Dr.. Adam Maciejewski said this is the first time a face transplant procedure done as soon as possible after the accident.
Though face transplant is usually chosen as a last resort after conventional reconstruction measures and plastic surgery try first.

"Because the extensive injuries to structures close to the skull base and have direct contact with the brain regions that open like this, any infection can be very dangerous, not to mention less likely for men to return to normal function, including respiratory disorders or eating if not immediately
dealt with, "said Maciejewski as reported by FoxNews, Thursday (23/05/2013).

"All of which brings us to one conclusion. Operations We predict this will restore life to the patient's original condition. Again he could breathe, eat or just to see," he continued.

Maciejewski also said that from time to time, the new face of the patient will adjust to the bone structure of his face.
In other words, her new face is not going to make it similar to the donor.

Now the patient is able to return to normal breathing and can respond to questions even if only with a nod of the head or squeezing the hand doctor.
"But in general the conditions are still quite serious and it took many months before stating that the procedure is successful," said Dr. Krzysztof Olejnik, chief anesthetist team.

Other members of the transplant team, surgeon Dr. Maciej Grajek also said that these patients receive a medication to prevent the arrival of various types of infections, either from a virus, bacteria or infection of the skin, but the skin itself has seen its new 'live' and showed recovery.

Although the center is in isolation, these patients also appear to begin the process of rehabilitation.
In addition, he must take special drugs aimed at preventing rejection of the new face for the rest of his life.