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Wednesday, 29 May 2013

This is Food that Makes Your Exercise Becomes Useless

Exercise to reduce fat levels sometimes in vain due to the intake of food that is not your case.
Although apparently healthy, these foods would damage the success of your hard work.

Exercise to reduce fat levels sometimes in vain due to the intake of food that is not your case. Although apparently healthy, these foods would damage the success of your hard work. Our vanity reveals some foods and beverages that must be avoided when exercising:

1. Boiled Eggs

Boiled eggs are a source of protein without the fat that is actually required for the functioning of a healthy body. But it was not the right choice of food before exercise. The problem is the protein in a boiled egg takes a lot to digest.

2. Protein Bar

Hey, do not be tempted by advertisements stating protein bars can help suppress appetite. Protein bars are not actually better than candy. These foods have more than 200 calories that can weigh on your workout.

3. Caffeinated beverages

Caffeinated drinks are very dangerous for you if consumed before exercise. In addition, all caffeinated drinks usually contain some sugar that will make you feel tired. Not only that, the energy drinks containing caffeine can cause gas and bloating.

Experts advise you better drink enough water compared with caffeinated beverages. Additionally, you can replace the protein bar with eating healthy food.

Perform the following 6 Ways To Burn Body Fat Faster

Delicious foods such as junk food and fried food makes a lot of fat accumulate in the body. The only attempt to compensate is to burn fat.
You do this by doing physical activities such as exercise. But not everyone is happy to apply it. Besides exhausting, the impact on fat loss also invisible quickly.
Actually, there are several things you can do to burn fat faster as reported by Health.com, on Tuesday ( 05/28/2013 ):

1. Interval training

Interval training is exercising with increasing intensity over a certain interval , such as riding a bike faster every 10 minutes once, or add speed to run each time through the flower pot .In effect, the intensity of exercise will increase dramatically .
A study published in the Journal of Applied Physiology found that after undergoing interval training, the amount of fat burned in 1 hour increased by 36% compared to regular exercise.

2. Divide time exercising

Do not have time to exercise? Can be tricked by dividing it into 2 sessions each of 20 minutes. Implementation could be done up all day. Its effects can sometimes be more effective than a full hour spent in the gym because your metabolism will rise for 1-2 hours after exercise.

3. Calms the mind
Stress can trigger the accumulation of abdominal fat. One study from the University of California says that the stress on cortisol can increase appetite and lead to fat storage around the abdomen .
The best way to fight stress is to lower it. Look for fun activities to reduce stress levels. Some activities are proven to reduce stress is yoga or a walk with a friend.

4. Perform a new sport
Challenge yourself by exercising new and has never been tried before. Although for someone who used to run sports, new activities will make the muscles work in new ways. The effect will be shocking the body so that makes it work harder.

5. Lifting weights
Once a week, try lifting heavier weights than usual. When lifting heavier weights, the muscles challenged and will produce more lean muscle mass and stronger.
If cardio exercise only burns calories during the exercise, the exercise muscle will burn more calories during the 24 hours after exercise. Lifting weights will also burn fat tissue exclusively, whereas only cardio to burn fat at a particular muscle.

6. Sleep
Lack of sleep can increase the levels of stress hormones, insulin and make it more difficult to process carbohydrates throughout the day, concluded a study from the University of Chicago. Sleep is the time to recharge the batteries that run the body's metabolism. We recommend a minimum of 6 hours of sleep at night to be more fresh and ready in the morning.

WHO: 3 Of 4 Children Affected by Cigarette Ads

Support for banning tobacco sponsorship advertising and the focus of World No Tobacco Day this year.
The World Health Organization (WHO) highlights the many young people who are exposed to tobacco advertising later affected.

WHO SEARO (South-East Asia Region) in a release reveals, 3 of 4 children aged 13 to 15 years of exposure to the messages through billboards of pro-cigarettes.
Similar messages are also derived from sporting events or other activities sponsored cigarettes.

"These ads have been shown to influence them to start smoking," he was quoted as saying on the official release received detikHealth, Tuesday (28/05/2013).

Therefore, WHO SEARO WHO which is a representation for Southeast Asia calling for bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship of cigarettes in all forms of its member countries. The goal is to reduce the number of deaths caused by smoking in Southeast Asia are estimated at 1.3 million people each year.

"Statistics show that a ban on advertising and sponsorship of tobacco is one of the most effective ways to reduce tobacco demand," message SEARO WHO Regional Director, Dr Samlee Plianbangchang.

"A comprehensive ban on all forms of advertising, promotion and sponsorship of tobacco can reduce tobacco consumption averaged about 7 percent, with some countries consumption has decreased by 16 percent," he added.

WHO SEARO conducted research shows that 1 out of 10 students in Southeast Asia have objects that include the logo of a cigarette brand and one of the 10 students had given free cigarettes by a tobacco company. Not only that, 7 out of 10 students also find cigarette brands while watching sports on television.

This Tool Can Measure 7 Symptoms of Vital Body Only in 10 Seconds

Many people think tricorder or medical device that can scan patients within a few seconds may only exist in movies or science fiction series such as Star Trek. However, a mobile application development company of U.S. managed to make it so real.

Tool called the Scout Scanadu is claimed to measure heart rate, body temperature, blood oxygen levels, whether normal respiratory system, blood pressure, ECG or heart conditions to levels of emotional stress, as well as possessed the genius gadget Spock. When used, the device is placed on the patient's forehead then within 10 seconds, the results will be sent directly to their smart phones using Bluetooth.

Not only that, the tool is also able to store the results of previous measurements so that the patient can track changes in vital symptoms in the body over time. Later this application is also available in the Android and iOS versions and can be read with Bluetooth 4.0 so that users can share their data with their colleagues and their physicians as easy as turning the palm of the hand.

Tricorder uses a micro-USB adapter that can connect to the USB port and it only takes less than an hour to recharge the batteries. The battery also durable because it can last up to about a week.

But then shaped prototype Scanadu Scout. In order to collect the data needed for these devices may soon be approved by the FDA, the inventor of Scanadu Inc. team. offered to some volunteers to try it. That way the inventor team also hopes to get input from volunteers design modifications.

Through indiegogo site, the inventor team also launched a petition to raise 200,000 dollars for developing the prototype and without warning, they achieved the target in just two hours.

"We were very surprised by the enthusiasm shown towards Scanadu Scout community since the prototype was first shown six months ago," said founder and CEO Scanadu Inc.., Walter de Brouwer as reported by the Daily Mail, Wednesday (29/05/2013).

"Almost every day we get a lot of calls and emails from parents, researchers, students to lovers hacking body (a technique to improve the physical and mental health condition of a person) who would like to participate as consumers first generation of these devices in order to really understand the condition
their own health, "he continued.

Scanadu Scout is designed by a company called Scanadu Inc.., Based on Nasa Research Park, Moffett Field, California, USA.
This tool is made of Micrium RTOS platform 32-bit used to make instruments such as NASA's Sample Analysis at Mars (SAM) and the Curiosity Rover.

"It is quite possible that later we will have a 'doctor' in our own hands and this embryo bakalnya," concluded a team of inventors.