ShareHealthNews - More Babies born via Caesarean section grow into children and
teens weight than those delivered vaginally, according to a new study of more
than 10,000 British babies.
Eleven-year-olds delivered by C-section, for example, were 83 percent more likely to be overweight or obese than their peers born vaginally after other relevant factors - such as their mother's weight and how long they were breastfed - brought to account.
This finding is in line with a recent review of nine previous studies that also found an association between C-sections and obesity.
By C-section, "there may be long-term consequences to the children that we do not know about," said Dr Jan Blustein, who led the new study at New York University School of Medicine.
C-section rate in the U.S. has increased, causing concern about the possibility of complications for both mother and baby. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, C-sections accounted for nearly 1 in 3 births in 2010 - up from 1 in 5 in 1996.
For women, the procedure increases the likelihood of bowel or bladder injury and subsequent pregnancy complications.
Blustein said the size of the risk of obesity for children is "not great," and do not have to come into play for women who require C-section for medical reasons.
But, "a woman considering an elective C-section may need to know about these risks," he told Reuters Health.
The researchers analyzed data from children born in Avon, England in 1991 and 1992 were followed until the age of 15. Just over 9 percent of babies born via C-section.
On average, the children delivered by C-section birth is slightly smaller - less than two ounces - than those who go through vaginal birth.
Ranging from six weeks of age, however, C-section babies are consistently heavier than babies born vaginally-in almost all check-in. Very strong link between children born to overweight mothers, Blustein and his colleagues report in the International Journal of Obesity.
Eleven-year-olds delivered by C-section, for example, were 83 percent more likely to be overweight or obese than their peers born vaginally after other relevant factors - such as their mother's weight and how long they were breastfed - brought to account.
This finding is in line with a recent review of nine previous studies that also found an association between C-sections and obesity.
By C-section, "there may be long-term consequences to the children that we do not know about," said Dr Jan Blustein, who led the new study at New York University School of Medicine.
C-section rate in the U.S. has increased, causing concern about the possibility of complications for both mother and baby. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, C-sections accounted for nearly 1 in 3 births in 2010 - up from 1 in 5 in 1996.
For women, the procedure increases the likelihood of bowel or bladder injury and subsequent pregnancy complications.
Blustein said the size of the risk of obesity for children is "not great," and do not have to come into play for women who require C-section for medical reasons.
But, "a woman considering an elective C-section may need to know about these risks," he told Reuters Health.
The researchers analyzed data from children born in Avon, England in 1991 and 1992 were followed until the age of 15. Just over 9 percent of babies born via C-section.
On average, the children delivered by C-section birth is slightly smaller - less than two ounces - than those who go through vaginal birth.
Ranging from six weeks of age, however, C-section babies are consistently heavier than babies born vaginally-in almost all check-in. Very strong link between children born to overweight mothers, Blustein and his colleagues report in the International Journal of Obesity.
In the entire study group of children, the rate of overweight and obesity ranged from 31 percent at the age of three to 17 percent by the age of seven and 15.
Blustein said the study can not prove whether the C-section, itself, is the reason some babies tend to gain weight.
If so, he speculated, might be something to do with the C-section babies lose significant exposure to friendly bacteria during passage through the birth canal.
"Generally, the beginning and the establishment of intestinal colonization with bacteria seems to be very important. However, more work is needed before we can explain the mechanism of early bacterial colonization," Teresa Ajslev, from the Institute of Preventive Medicine in Copenhagen, Denmark, Told Reuters Health in an email.
For example, there may be certain types of protective bacteria, said Ajslev, a PhD student and researcher who has studied the impact of pregnancy on the weight associated with childhood but was not involved in the new report.
Or more commonly a bacterial imbalance can disrupt bowel function in a way that promotes obesity.
Either way, if the exact cause can be identified, it is possible to
give a C-section babies are missing doses to restore the balance of intestinal
But it's also the bacteria that may have nothing to do with obesity link to the C-section birth.
"Another possibility is (that) it is the children who will be heavier too," Blustein said.
"Being a woman's weight as a risk factor for the C-section, so that's the problem with trying to figure out if it's real or if it's just a matter of choice," because parents are overweight are more likely to have overweight children.
His studies were able to take into account the mother's weight, and did not find an association between C-section birth and childhood obesity is a "weak" among children born to mothers with normal weight.
But there may be other unmeasured factors that help explain the relationship between delivery method and the overall weight children.
"It is certainly not the last word," Blustein said.
But it's also the bacteria that may have nothing to do with obesity link to the C-section birth.
"Another possibility is (that) it is the children who will be heavier too," Blustein said.
"Being a woman's weight as a risk factor for the C-section, so that's the problem with trying to figure out if it's real or if it's just a matter of choice," because parents are overweight are more likely to have overweight children.
His studies were able to take into account the mother's weight, and did not find an association between C-section birth and childhood obesity is a "weak" among children born to mothers with normal weight.
But there may be other unmeasured factors that help explain the relationship between delivery method and the overall weight children.
"It is certainly not the last word," Blustein said.