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This is Food that Makes Your Exercise Becomes UselessHealth News Point | Actual & Trustworthy

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Wednesday 29 May 2013

This is Food that Makes Your Exercise Becomes Useless

Exercise to reduce fat levels sometimes in vain due to the intake of food that is not your case.
Although apparently healthy, these foods would damage the success of your hard work.

Exercise to reduce fat levels sometimes in vain due to the intake of food that is not your case. Although apparently healthy, these foods would damage the success of your hard work. Our vanity reveals some foods and beverages that must be avoided when exercising:

1. Boiled Eggs

Boiled eggs are a source of protein without the fat that is actually required for the functioning of a healthy body. But it was not the right choice of food before exercise. The problem is the protein in a boiled egg takes a lot to digest.

2. Protein Bar

Hey, do not be tempted by advertisements stating protein bars can help suppress appetite. Protein bars are not actually better than candy. These foods have more than 200 calories that can weigh on your workout.

3. Caffeinated beverages

Caffeinated drinks are very dangerous for you if consumed before exercise. In addition, all caffeinated drinks usually contain some sugar that will make you feel tired. Not only that, the energy drinks containing caffeine can cause gas and bloating.

Experts advise you better drink enough water compared with caffeinated beverages. Additionally, you can replace the protein bar with eating healthy food.


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