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This is Made in Japan New Therapy for Breast CancerHealth News Point | Actual & Trustworthy

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Friday 24 May 2013

This is Made in Japan New Therapy for Breast Cancer

Patients with cancer, especially breast cancer may be satisfied with chemotherapy or other cancer therapies that long-term average and can cause side effects such as hair loss.
Unlucky Japanese scientist, discovered a new radiation therapy accurately claimed disable tumor but short term.

Is Kumiko Karasawa, an expert on radiation oncology and breast cancer specialist who discovered a new therapy for breast cancer called 'heavy ion radiotherapy'.
In this therapy, patients are exposed an ion beam contains particles that can 'attack' directly to the tumor cells are malignant accurately and paralyze it.

Recently with the National Institute of Radiological Sciences, Karasawa started the first trial for the therapy.
In these experiments, Karasawa will treat 20 patients at least 60 years old with small tumors that have not spread in the body.

Each patient will be asked to undergo treatment for one hour per day over a period of four days, much shorter than conventional radiation therapy that may last for months.
This trial will be undertaken during the five-year patient and the overall development of participants will be observed closely by researchers.

"Eventually we managed to conduct this experiment because we have a better understanding of the types of breast cancer can derive any benefit from this therapy," said Karasawa was quoted as saying by the Daily Mail, Saturday (05/25/2013).

Karasawa but also did not deny the contribution of the progress of medical devices that can keep the soft breast tissue does not move so much irradiation procedure to be accurate.

For business technology in the medical field, so far it has not been a lot of countries that can rival Japan.
Moreover, this is the land of rising sun 'home' for three of the six largest medical center in the world with a variety of high-tech facilities valued at 97.2 million U.S. dollars, or around Rp 949 billion.

Kyodo News also reported that this therapy proves effective for disabling types of other cancers, including prostate cancer and lung cancer, but heavy ion radiotherapy have not been tested in patients with breast cancer earlier.

Especially noticeable is the difference of the therapeutic power of rays used in radiotherapy.
In the conventional radiotherapy, X-rays and gamma rays only show their full potential on the surface of the body but will continue to weaken as the rays into the tissues.
But the ion particle therapy used Karasawa style is different because the power of the light remains the same despite having to go into the deeper tissues of the body.

"Hopefully this will give you an alternative therapy for patients who do not want surgery and can not undergo radiation therapy usually requires regular patient to visit the clinic regularly for months," he concluded.


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