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WHO: "Corona Virus Transmitted Between Humans"Health News Point | Actual & Trustworthy

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Friday 24 May 2013

WHO: "Corona Virus Transmitted Between Humans"

Saudi Arabia - For those of you who want to travel to the Middle East should be wary.
Do you remember, six months ago, the World Health Organization (WHO) has called on the existence of Corona Virus or Virus Middle East SARS-like virus.
This week, the World Health Organization (WHO) announced that the spread of the virus is likely transmitted between humans.

In this week, WHO said the virus that attacks the respiratory tract, lining of the lungs, and kidneys-it has spread among patients treated in a hospital.
In a Saudi Arabian hospital, 15 patients were survived to fight this virus, after seven patients died.

Assistant Director-General for Health Security and Environment World Health Organization (WHO), Keiji Fukuda, confirmed that Corona Virus transmitted in a small group of patients who were treated in a hospital.
"But so far there has been no evidence of spread to the general population," Fukuda said in a press release quoted by the site npr.com, Tuesday, May 14, 2013.

Previously, a French citizen of patients who have recently returned from Dubai also infected with the scientific name of Mers-CoV or the Middle East's Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus.
Other cases also occurred in Jordan, where patients are treated simultaneously in one hospital become infected.

While not having the same arrangement of cells and infect a different way with SARS Corona Virus from the Middle East is more deadly.
Mortality rate of SARS patients, 8,000 patients were infected, as many as 800 people died.
Meanwhile, the WHO noted, until May 2013, of the 34 patients were infected with Corona Virus, 18 people died.
By doing so, fatal deaths (case fatality rate) due to Corona Virus infection reached 53 to 66.6 percent, while only 10 percent of SARS.


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