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Simple Ways It Can Relieve Sinus DisordersHealth News Point | Actual & Trustworthy

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Saturday 1 June 2013

Simple Ways It Can Relieve Sinus Disorders

Simple Ways It Can Relieve Sinus Disorders

Sinusitis is one of respiratory distress when a relapse will be very annoying, especially at night. Blockage of the nose to the incessant sneezing can be one sign.

Well, if you suffer from sinusitis, you can relieve the interference with some simple measures. As quoted from the Times of India, Saturday (01/06/2013) This is a simple treatment for sinusitis.

1. Make sure the body gets plenty of fluids. The body needs plenty of fluids to increase moisture, so make sure you drink plenty of fluids either from water, fruit, or vegetables.

2. Rest and relax the body very  important. So, avoid to feel worried and lie down.

3. Be sure to get a lot of rest time, but if you have to work to avoid sleeping too late.

4. Take one teaspoon of honey and water from the juice of half a lemon. Then dissolve it in warm water and drink. For other options you can use herbal tea or regular tea.

5. Consumption of chicken soup. Chicken soup is believed to be good food at a time when cold. Although this is an old tradition, but it is still relevant done.

6. If you are tormented because of nasal congestion use pillows to prop up the head to help ease breathing.

In addition, you can also try one of the techniques of Yoga Master Jala Neti is taking in the warm salt water through one nostril while bending your head to the side and let it out through the other. Do this with the mouth open to breathe.


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