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Thirst at the Hospital, A Diabetes Patient DiesHealth News Point | Actual & Trustworthy

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Saturday 1 June 2013

Thirst at the Hospital, A Diabetes Patient Dies

Thirst at the Hospital , A Diabetes Patient Dies

Manchester, Bridget Callan (62) felt thirsty and repeatedly pressing the emergency button in the hospital for 20 hours for the nurse. Because no response, his condition worsened until finally he died.

Bridget who is a diabetic patient then feels thirsty and worry decreased blood sugar levels. Because when it comes to such conditions, he feared losing consciousness. This was quoted by the Daily Mail, Saturday (01/06/2013).

Because there was no nurse who came to his room, Bridget was calling her husband, Paul (54), which was then in the house. Paul immediately called Tameside Hospital in Greater Manchester and talk to the nurse.

But after 20 minutes elapsed Bridget returned calls and says there is still no nurse came to bring him a drink.
In desperation, Paul finally called the police to ask for help, but the police just connect the phone back to the hospital.

After that, Bridget finally given sugary beverages to prevent hypoglycemia. Hypoglycemia is a condition of diabetes in which blood sugar levels are very low. This condition can lead to coma and even death. Tragically, Bridget finally died after 4 days.

Paul is very sorry for the incident that made his wife's death. He felt Tameside Hospital failed to maintain his basic needs are very sick, such as drinking water.

"What happened to Bridget is very scary. He called me about 4 am and said he had low blood sugar. Bridget takes Lucozade," added Paul.

According to Paul, the phone Bridget said she had pressed the bell for more than 20 minutes, but no one came. "I just think, if it when it was Bridget can not call me, it could be once he coma or even death," he continued.

Paul has now made an official complaint to the Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) on negligence in the treatment of his wife. "We are sorry for what happened to Family Callan. We will continue to monitor this case and will receive complaints Paul," said a spokesman for Tameside Hospital.


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