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Which is Better for Body, Walking or Running ?Health News Point | Actual & Trustworthy

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Saturday 1 June 2013

Which is Better for Body, Walking or Running ?

Which is Better for Body, Walking or Running ?

California, Walking and running are the most popular physical exercise. Various studies conducted to discover which is better effects on the body. Are the conclusions the researchers?

According to the researchers, large or small effect of this practice depends both on purpose to do it. If for example you want to control your weight, then you should run, as quoted by the NY Times, Saturday (01/06/2013).

In a study published in Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, researchers examined survey data from 15 237 32 215 runners and walkers registered in The National Runners and Walkers' Health Study, a large survey conducted at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, California.

Participants asked for information about weight, waist circumference, diet, and weekly mileage walking or running when they join in this survey. This data was then asked again 6 years later.

As a result, people who exercise almost run leaner compared to those on foot. Over the years, people who ran maintaining body mass and waist circumference they are much better than walking.

Reason ran better in the regulation of body weight than is unclear. However, experts say that running burns more calories per hour than walking.

Another reason is the effect of running on appetite. In a study published in the Journal of Obesity, revealed that pedestrians take about 50 more calories than they burn during a 1 hour walk. While running to consume 200 fewer calories than they burn calories after running for 1 hour.

After each run and walk, runners proved to have increased levels of the hormone peptide YY. This hormone is proven to work to suppress appetite. While the people who walk not have elevated levels of peptide YY, appetite so they stay warm.

However, studies also show that walking can be just as beneficial as running.

"If you plan to walk, but want the same number of calories burned as running, then you have to walk about 1.5 times as much and takes about 2 times longer," said Paul T. Williams, a scientist Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratories.


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